How to text Ninja’s phone number from outside the USA


Streaming superstar Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins has given fans the chance to text him but if you’re located outside of the United States and don’t know what to do, don’t frown, here’s what you need to know.

On August 11, after a few teases, Ninja stunned everybody when he leaked his ‘personal’ cell phone via Twitter. Of course, it isn’t actually his number and you aren’t going to be able to Face Time him right away. However, if you text the number and follow the reply you receive, you might yourself with an actual text from the streamer and even the chance to play Fortnite alongside him. 

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However, as Ninja’s fanbase spans across the globe, fans outside of the United States have been left without a chance to get in touch with their favorite streamer. However, that can all change – provided you know the correct international dialing code. 

NinjaNinja’s revealed that fans were going to be able to stay in touch with him thanks to the new texting number.

To have the chance to text with Ninja, fans from outside the US have to message the 312-584-4684 with a +1 in front of the actual number. This +1 is the international dialing code for America and will allow you to text as if you were normally texting friends and family. 

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So, to be clear, anyone who hasn’t been able to get in contact with Ninja would have to text +13125844684 as the number instead of just what he actually tweeted. 

However, this isn’t guaranteed to work for everybody. Sometimes, cell phone providers don’t allow international calls or texts due to data plan restrictions or costs, so you won’t know until you try. Even then, your phone company could drop a charge for each message you send so be wary of that too. 

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Unfortunately, if you are someone who can’t text to the United States, or any other country for that matter, you’ll miss out the chance to play with Ninja and all of the behind-the-scenes content that he has promised to deliver if you text the above number. 

On the flip side, if it does work for you, you will need to drop your contact details plus international dialing code in the response form.

For example, anybody from the United Kingdom will need to use +44 before their number, fans from Australia have +61, and someone from New Zealand would use +64. If you don’t know your code though, don’t worry, a full list is shared below. 

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It still remains to be seen as to how Ninja is going to select his lucky texting pals and new Fortnite teammates considering the streamer himself noted that he has been swamped with thousands of messages. 

Either way, whoever he chooses will be the envy of all of his Mixer viewers and their friends, as they go in search of a victory royale.

List of International Calling Codes

93 — Afghanistan355 — Albania213 — Algeria684 — American Samoa376 — Andorra244 — Angola809 — Anguilla268 — Antigua54 — Argentina374 — Armenia297 — Aruba247 — Ascension Island61 — Australia672 — Australian External Territories43 — Austria994 — Azerbaijan242 — Bahamas246 — Barbados973 — Bahrain880 — Bangladesh375 — Belarus32 — Belgium501 — Belize229 — Benin809 — Bermuda975 — Bhutan284 — British Virgin Islands591 — Bolivia387 — Bosnia and Hercegovina267 — Botswana55 — Brazil284 — British V.I.673 — Brunei Darussalm359 — Bulgaria226 — Burkina Faso257 — Burundi855 — Cambodia237 — Cameroon1 — Canada238 — Cape Verde Islands1 — Caribbean Nations345 — Cayman Islands238 — Cape Verdi236 — Central African Republic235 — Chad56 — Chile86 — China PR886 — China-Taiwan57 — Colombia269 — Comoros and Mayotte242 — Congo682 — Cook Islands506 — Costa Rica385 — Croatia53 — Cuba357 — Cyprus420 — Czech Republic45 — Denmark246 — Diego Garcia767 — Dominca809 — Dominican Republic253 — Djibouti593 — Ecuador20 — Egypt503 — El Salvador240 — Equatorial Guinea291 — Eritrea372 — Estonia251 — Ethiopia500 — Falkland Islands298 — Faroe Islands 679 — Fiji358 — Finland33 — France596 — French Antilles594 — French Guiana241 — Gabon 220 — Gambia995 — Georgia49 — Germany233 — Ghana350 — Gibraltar30 — Greece299 — Greenland473 — Grenada/Carricou671 — Guam502 — Guatemala224 — Guinea245 — Guinea-Bissau592 — Guyana509 — Haiti504 — Honduras852 — Hong Kong36 — Hungary354 — Iceland91 — India62 — Indonesia98 — Iran964 — Iraq353 — Ireland 972 — Israel39 — Italy225 — Ivory Coast 876 — Jamaica81 — Japan962 — Jordan7 — Kazakhstan254 — Kenya855 — Khmer Republic (Cambodia/Kampuchea)686 — Kiribati Republic (Gilbert Islands)82 – South Korea850 – North Korea965 – Kuwait996 — Kyrgyz Republic371 — Latvia856 — Laos961 — Lebanon266 — Lesotho231 — Liberia370 — Lithuania218 — Libya423 — Liechtenstein352 — Luxembourg853 — Macao389 — Macedonia261 — Madagascar265 — Malawi60 — Malaysia960 — Maldives223 — Mali356 — Malta692 — Marshall Islands596 — Martinique (French Antilles)222 — Mauritania230 — Mauritius269 — Mayolte52 — Mexico691 — Micronesia (F.S. of Polynesia)373 — Moldova33 — Monaco976 — Mongolia473 — Montserrat212 — Morocco258 — Mozambique95 — Myanmar 264 — Namibia 674 — Nauru977 — Nepal31 — Netherlands599 — Netherlands Antilles869 — Nevis687 — New Caledonia64 — New Zealand505 — Nicaragua227 — Niger234 — Nigeria683 — Niue850 — North Korea1 670 — North Mariana Islands47 — Norway968 — Oman92 — Pakistan680 — Palau507 — Panama675 — Papua New Guinea595 — Paraguay51 — Peru63 — Philippines48 — Poland351 — Portugal (includes Azores)1 787 — Puerto Rico974 — Qatar262 — Reunion Island40 — Romania7 — Russia250 — Rwanda670 — Saipan378 — San Marino239 — Sao Tome and Principe966 — Saudi Arabia221 — Senegal381 — Serbia and Montenegro248 — Seychelles232 — Sierra Leone65 — Singapore421 — Slovakia386 — Slovenia677 — Solomon Islands252 — Somalia27 — South Africa34 — Spain94 — Sri Lanka290 — St. Helena869 — St. Kitts/Nevis508 — St. Pierre & Miquelon249 — Sudan597 — Suriname268 — Swaziland46 — Sweden41 — Switzerland963 — Syria689 — Tahiti 886 — Taiwan7 — Tajikistan255 — Tanzania (Zanzibar)66 — Thailand228 — Togo 690 — Tokelau676 — Tonga1868 — Trinidad and Tobago216 — Tunisia90 — Turkey993 — Turkmenistan688 — Tuvalu256 — Uganda380 — Ukraine971 — United Arab Emirates44 — United Kingdom598 — Uruguay1 — USA7 — Uzbekistan678 — Vanuatu 39 — Vatican City58 — Venezuela84 — Vietnam1340 — Virgin Islands681 — Wallis and Futuna685 — Western Samoa381 — Yemen 967 — Yemen Arab Republic (North Yemen)243 — Zaire260 — Zambia263 — Zimbabwe

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