How to get verified on Snapchat

Snapchat logo next to person holding phoneUnsplash: Paul Hanaoka

Snapchat users can get verified badges for their profiles, however, the process is not entirely straightforward, as there are a few requirements to meet to get verified on Snapchat.

Many apps such as TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram have their own forms of verification badges, which indicate to users that this particular account is legitimate.

Snapchat also has a similar system, which marks notable accounts with a star symbol to make it easier for followers to find the correct accounts.

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If you have ever wondered whether you too can verify your account on Snapchat, here’s what you need to know.

Snapchat logo yellow backgroundSnapchat
Snapchat is used by millions of people every day

How to get verified on Snapchat

The first thing to note is that there is no direct process through which you can apply for verification on Snapchat and that badges are often offered at Snapchat’s discretion.

If you are a Public Profile for Business, Snapchat notes that your account must be authentic and notable. That is, representing a real, registered business or entity, that is broadly known by the public.

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You also need to ensure you have verified the email address associated with the Snapchat account before you can be verified.

Snapchat also says to, “please work with your account team to request verification.”

They add: “This only applies to Public Profiles for Businesses, not those seeking to become verified “Snap Stars” (Public figures, influencers, celebrities, etc).”

Once verified, your account will have the yellow star applied, but you won’t receive a notification of this update.

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If you want to learn more about Snapchat and how to use it, check out our guides on how to pin someone on Snapchat and how to allow camera access on Snapchat.