Hacksmith creates real Star Wars lightsaber that cuts through anything

Hacksmith viral youtube star wars lightsaberInstagram: thehacksmith / Disney

YouTuber the Hacksmith has gone viral after perfectly recreating a Star Wars lightsaber in real life — and it can cut through literally anything.

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No matter how long Star Wars goes on, or how old the fans become, lightsabers will always be one of the coolest things in the world, iconic in the world of cinema and something all fans wish they had.

Of course, it’s possible to get replica lightsabers in all different styles, ranging from cheap plastic ones, to full-blown replicas costing hundreds of dollars if you’re looking to get an authentic one that feels as though it’s straight from a galaxy far, far away.

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But, sometimes even those don’t cut it, and the Hacksmith took it upon himself to create a lightsaber that could cut through basically anything, just like the ones from the movies — and he got it almost spot on.

YouTube Hacksmith Aquaman tridentInstagram: thehacksmith
The Hacksmith makes all kinds of fun gadgets from films and TV, including Aquaman’s trident.

After making the world’s first retractable plasma lightsaber, James Hobson and his crew had to fully test the device to see how it actually works and, as expected, it’s basically perfect.

The temperature reaches highs of 4000°F (2200°C), which is absurdly hot, and slices through a replica Stormtrooper model like butter.

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After proving that the new device could easily take down enemy stormtroopers, the Hacksmith had to test it out on even bigger obstructions, as they tore through walls, cut holes in cars, and even ripped another lightsaber in half, just to prove how powerful there new recreation was.

The crew even decided to cook some meat with the lightsaber — albeit, the end result didn’t look too appetizing, which shouldn’t really come as a surprise.

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Clearly, and it goes without saying, this isn’t something you should try to replicate at home. This is exclusively for trained Jedi, and looks dangerous at even the best of times. Dangerous… but still pretty cool, and something Yoda himself would be impressed by.