Fresh & Fit podcast host challenges xQc to debate as pair rekindle their beef

xQc and Myron from Fresh & FitInstagram: xqcow1 / YouTube: Jubilee

Fresh & Fit’s Myron has challenged xQc to a debate after the streamer slammed the podcast host’s appearance in an episode of Jubilee’s Middle Ground.

YouTube channel ‘Jubilee‘ sees people from different backgrounds come together to discuss a range of topics and share their opinions. One popular series on the channel is Middle Ground, which “explores whether two different groups of people, opposed in their beliefs, can come together empathetically.”

A recent episode posted on May 6 titled “Is Being Fat A Choice? Fit Men vs Fat Men” brought eight men in for a debate, with four on either side of the discussion. Amongst the group and a member of the “fit men” was Myron Gaines, a co-host of the Fresh & Fit podcast, whose controversial contributions were slammed in the comment section.

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Reacting to the video while streaming on Twitch, ‘xQc’ was evidently not impressed with what Myron had to say and came for the Fresh & Fit team, advising Myron to “Keep that same energy.”

“There is way worse stuff going out in the world than people saying ‘Oh my God, I’m sad, I’m going to eat some ice cream,” Myron said after another member of the group suggested emotional wellbeing could impact weight and making healthy decisions.

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“You’re fat, you made that decision, you live in the best country ever,” he continued, claiming that anyone living in a “civilized, first-world country” with access to “electricity, internet, power” would “deserve to be bullied.”

“Damn dude,” xQc reacted, pausing the video to respond with his thoughts. He then brought up a situation involving Myron’s co-host Walter ‘FreshPrinceCEO’ Weekes; “Keep that same energy brother, for his close friends who f****** can’t stop themselves from hitting random chicks r**dog.”

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“You don’t wanna pay child support? Boo-f******-hoo. You don’t want to get bullied on the internet? Stop hitting r**dog dumba**,” the streamer said, offering the same feedback that the Fresh & Fit podcast co-host had given those on the debate. “Same energy applies here.”

After a clip of xQc’s response was shared on X (formerly Twitter), Myron himself hit back by challenging the streamer to a debate “any day of the week.” Myron said he would “remind [xQc] how much of a low IQ r***** he is. As a former Overwatch pro you already know: ‘No aim no brain I’m a Winston main.'”

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In a Reddit post, viewers were torn over the two content creator’s beef, with one person claiming xQc’s input had little to do with the debate he was reacting to; “‘Let me discredit what you’re saying by bringing up your co-hosts private life’ is not how you disprove a point.”

Another maintained that “Myron already held Fresh accountable,” meaning that xQc’s argument had “no point.” However, others pointed out Myron was changing the topic by challenging the streamer to debate, stating he “never addresses criticisms that are valid, he deflects and attacks you instead.”

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Another user theorized Myron’s motive for challenging xQc came from having “destroyed his public image” and turned to “the whole cringe [sic], fake, alpha male act” as a result; “Before he was begging to fight other YouTubers… now he’s settled for debates rather than physicality. His logic is he can’t get physically humiliated in a debate.”

As of now, it remains to be seen how xQc will respond and whether he’ll take up on Myron’s offer. This isn’t the first time the two have had beef, previously butting heads over a remark the Fresh & Fit co-host made after Pokimane left Twitch.

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