Flight from hell goes viral as Delta passenger smears feces on seat

passenger-poos-delta-flight-smearedReddit: hngon83

Passengers on a Delta flight had a crappy experience after a flier suffered from explosive diarrhea that ended up covering their entire seat and stinking up the cabin.

It seems like there’s no end to wild airport antics these days. From fliers claiming their fellow passengers “aren’t real” in viral meltdowns to entire sections of a plane coming off mid-flight, flying is looking less and less appealing to many travelers.

However, some of the most shocking plane-related stories are the ones dealing with stinky situations when passengers have a poo-mergency mid-flight.

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For instance, one plane had to make an emergency landing after a passenger suffered from “biohazard diarrhea” that got smeared all down the aisle of the craft.

biohazard-airplane-pooTwitter/X: arbyswehavethe2
A plane made an emergency landing after a passenger pooed all down the aisle in September 2023.

Now, another funky kerfuffle is going viral after a Delta passenger recounted one of the “more memorable” flights they’d ever experienced.

Passenger poos all over seat in Delta flight to Key West

In a viral post on Reddit, user ‘hngon83’ claimed they were on a Delta flight to Key West, Florida on Christmas Eve when they began to smell something unpleasant about 20 minutes into their journey.

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After asking if their 8-year-old daughter had passed gas (who “denied any wrongdoing”), the flight continued on while the smell “lingered” in the cabin.

Once they landed and passengers exited the craft, the poster claimed they saw a spot eight rows in front of them where someone “sh*t all in their seat.” According to the poster, “the bottom of the seat and the back was covered” in feces.

“This person had set in their sh*t for a good hour and then departed into Atlanta airport covered in sh*t,” they recounted. “Definitely a first for me.”

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delta-flight-poo-smear-seat-viralUnsplash.com: JC Gellidon
A flight got really stinky when a passenger apparently pooed in their seat.

A few other commenters claimed to be on the same flight, with one user replying, “I was waiting for someone to post this. If so, I was on the same row, [and the] person was on the left aisle seat, we were at the right side (middle and window).

Upon deplaning, [I] saw sh*t on the seat spread out like peanut butter as you mentioned, YUCK! Saw the person scampering towards the restrooms. Even before boarding, the plane smelled weird, some kind of fishy smell.”

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While there’s no way to confirm if the poster’s story, or the accompanying replies, were true, the post has racked up over 15K upvotes since being posted on January 2 as shocked commenters roll in with their own horror stories of crappy flights.