Exclusive: Twitch open to working with more platforms following TikTok integration

Twitch TikTok integrationUnsplash / TikTok / Twitch

Twitch appears open to collaborating with more social media platforms down the line following its recent integration with TikTok, allowing users to export clips directly on the brand’s app.

While it may seem like all social media platforms are gunning against one another in the race to capture the masses, that hasn’t exactly been the case of late.

Just last month we saw Twitch and TikTok buck the trend with a heavily-praised integration, one content creators had been pleading for for quite some time. Now, instead of having to manually edit highlights from a stream to then be shared on TikTok, there’s a feature that does it all automatically, saving everyone hours of time and effort.

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In speaking with Dexerto at PAX Australia, Twitch’s APAC Content Director Lewis Mitchell implied it wasn’t a one-and-done deal. Rather, the Amazon-backed streaming platform is more than open to future collabs of this nature should it benefit content creators worldwide.

First and foremost, Mitchell sought to make it abundantly clear Twitch is purely focused on the “livestreaming” aspect of its viewer experience. “We are a livestreaming service and that is what we’re going to be concentrating on for the indefinite future.”

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Though naturally, Twitch recognizes content creators want to spread their wings and share content elsewhere too. So rather than restricting that motive, they’re here to support it where it makes sense to do so.

“Creators want to connect to their communities in all different ways,” Mitchell acknowledged. “There’s a whole plethora of different platforms and services.

“Hearing that ‘We want to be able to share [content] quickly, it takes time and effort…’ For us, it’s ‘How do we make that easy?’”

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Aiming to directly support streamers big and small with additional tools where possible, the recent TikTok feature is just one such example of a step in that direction, and it’s not something Twitch is now closing the door on. Quite the opposite, in fact.

“We’ll keep looking at that and trying to make sure those tools are available,” Mitchell added. “Find other ways to not just connect your with your current community, but help find new community members.”

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