Dream slams John Swan for “demonizing” him in YouTube drama

dream john swan youtubeDream Instagram / John Swan YouTube

Dream slammed YouTuber John Swan for trying to ‘demonize’ him after the pair went back-and-forth about the time the faceless Minecraft personality was being impersonated on Discord.

YouTube drama has embroiled Dream once again. The mysterious content creator has been getting targeted by people making fake accounts then proceeding to send heinous, at times racist, messages under Dream’s name.

This is at the center of what the argument is now, as the two bickered about a time Swan allegedly changed his Discord profile to mimic Dream while messaging people that they’re “friends, [that Dream] hates Zak ‘Skeppy’ Ahmed, and that [Dream was] working on a Minecraft sex mod, and [Dream] saying the n-word,” according to screenshots of their conversation.

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While this supposed spat was in the past and the two had talked to clarify the situation, Dream referenced the drama in a recent Reddit comment. Swan took offense to that, saying Dream was trying to “smear” his credibility.


His Discord did change to mimic Dream and some messages were sent out, but Swan claims that it was all at the hands of a kid that got a hold of his account after accidentally leaving himself logged in on another computer.

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Swan’s story didn’t do much to convince Dream then, and it certainly didn’t change his mind now. “At the time I had hundreds of reasons to be suspicious… How did you know it was on discord right away when I didn’t mention it and our primary communication was twitter? How had we called on discord just before if you didn’t have access?”


Needless to say, Dream wasn’t impressed with the story and claimed he would’ve been fine talking about this in private, but was frustrated at Swan’s attempt at “demonizing” the faceless YouTuber on Twitter.

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The two didn’t manage to come to a public consensus, leaving fandoms in the court of public opinion to chime in.

Both YouTubers are pretty outspoken, but as far as Dream is concerned, he’s over this episode as Swan is looking to clear his name from the bizarre situation.