Dream hits back at hate over “influencing” Minecraft’s new mob vote

Dream YouTuberYouTube: Dream

After “jokingly influencing” last year’s Minecraft mob vote, Dream has confirmed he won’t be advocating for any monster in the upcoming poll.

With over 26 million subscribers on YouTube and nearly 2 million followers on Twitter, Dream is one of Minecraft’s biggest creators. Despite this, he’s incredibly polarizing, with a loyal group of fans on one side, and an anti-Dream movement of haters on the other.

While there’s always ongoing drama between both sides, the most recent cause of contention has been the upcoming Minecraft mob vote that allows players to decide which monster is added into the game next.

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After “jokingly influencing” last year’s poll, Dream has been receiving a lot of hate from Minecraft players, asking him to leave the decision to the community and not get involved.

Dream Minecraft server TnTYouTube: Dream
The Minecraft mob vote will take place on October 16.

Dream explains why he’s not voting in Minecraft mob poll

On October 16, the Minecraft community will vote for a new mob to be added to the game, with the options being the Glare, the Allay, and the Copper Golem.

While this will be a difficult decision for some players, Dream has taken to Twitter to reveal that he will not be partaking or “influencing” the vote like he did last year.

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Instead, he wants to leave it to the community, and responding to the hate, he expressed that he could understand why him swaying the vote would upset some members of the player base.

“As much as it is funny to joke about people getting deathly mad at a block game, I won’t be advocating for any mob as I understand why some people would be upset with me jokingly influencing the vote last year”.

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Before ending the announcement there, Dream couldn’t help making a jokey statement in the thread, claiming that he’s “still going to rig it”.

Although this comment did receive a lot of hate, Dream did confirm it was a joke by ending the tweet with a “/j”.

Given the number of followers Dream has, it makes sense that he’s opted to stay out of this year’s vote. By letting the Minecraft community decide, there’s no chance of him being accused of influencing the outcome.

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If you’re looking to cast your vote for the latest new mob, make sure to tune into Minecraft live on October 16!