DrDisrespect gives viewers a piece of his mind on battle royale games

Viewers of DrDisrespect’s Twitch stream on Thursday got to see The Doc shoot down not just one, but two popular battle royale games within a few hours.

First, it was Fortnite. A tired looking Doc closed the game before he explained he was “falling asleep playing this game, man.”

“I’m bored of it, I don’t want to play that I don’t want to commit to that,” Doc told viewers. “Let’s move past the candy store man, alright? Let’s get back to real stuff, come on now.”

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Later on, Doc managed to tell his viewers with a straight face that he would be playing Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds all day, before breaking down laughing, “funk no we’re not playing Battlegrounds are you kidding me?”

It seems like The Doc might be tired of Fortnite and Battlegrounds after getting a taste of Blackout, the new battle royale mode from Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 during the private beta.

A lot of the reaction from the community on the heels of the Blackout beta was the feeling that it was the beginning of the end for PUBG, most said Fortnite would probably be fine, since the games were so different stylistically, but Doc has made his opinion clear – get back to the real stuff.

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Recently, Playstation announced that console players would soon be able to play cross platform with friends using other consoles like Xbox, but console players can get some practice in against PC opponents right now if they queue up using a mouse and keyboard.

These changes don’t seem to impress DrDisrespect, who’s vented about his frustration with Fortnite in the past. Doc won’t have to wait long though, because Black Ops 4 and Blackout come out on October 12.

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