Dr Disrespect takes aim at viewer who disagrees with Apex Legends opinion

Twitch: DrDisrespect

Popular streamer Apex Legends, and apparently banned a subscriber who disagreed with his opinion in his Twitch chat.

The Doc’s temper is well-known, regularly going on rants about games like Apex Legends, PUBG, and Fortnite when he feels the game isn’t performing how it should be, or a mechanic costs him victories.

While playing the popular battle royale title on October 10, the streamer charged down three opponents but was quickly shut down, prompting him to leave the match and close the game entirely, venting his frustrations at the current state of Apex Legends.

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Dr Disrespect, YouTubeThe Doc was incensed after dying on Apex Legends.

“I don’t know, I’m just going through the motions,” a frustrated Doc told his audience. “I’m just bored. I missed a couple of shotgun shots, whatever. I’m just bored.”

“Every fight in the game feels the exact same. Every fight. So I’m bored! I don’t have a remedy, nothing I can do. There’s nothing I can do if I’m bored, if I’m not interested, so we’re getting off of it.”

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Still visibly annoyed by what had happened to him, Dr Disrespect started reading his chat and spotted a Twitch subscriber who disagreed with his thoughts on the game, something which the frustrated streamer took immediate issue with.

The leader of the Champions Club fumed: “100% disagree says Unsung4. You know what? I don’t like you. ‘100 disagree,’ huh? I’m just going to get rid of you. I know you’ve got the gold logo next to your name, I just don’t like how you came into the chat and said ‘I 100% disagree.’”

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“Listen, I’m not here to listen to your opinion. I’m not trying to have a discussion with you. Seeya. Get out of here. Get him out of here.”

Despite his frustrations, The Doc didn’t spend long away from the game, hopping on less than 15 minutes later once again, playing Apex Legends for the remaining five hours of his stream.

If you’re one of his 3.7 million Twitch followers though, it seems like the streamer doesn’t want to hear your opinions when he is venting about a game, as his unfortunate subscriber found out the hard way according to Dr Disrespect.

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