Dr DisRespect Stops Stream After Bullet is Shot Through His Window

Twitch streamer Dr DisRespect reportedly had to shut down his live stream to duo gunfire directed at his home from a vehicle outside, with a bullet hitting his window.

The popular streamer was playing the new Blackout beta with almost 50,000 concurrent viewers when the incident occurred.

Dr DisRespect says it is the second time in as many days that someone has fired gunshots at his home.

The moment that shots were fired can be heard in the following clip.

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Dr DisRespect then returned to his stream to explain what had happened.

“I’ve got to end the broadcast right now, someone shot at our house. Broke the fucking upstairs window. This is the second shot, someone shot yesterday, at our fucking house and someone shot again right now, connected with the house, upstairs.”

Dr DisRespect, real name Guy Beahm, is one of the most popular streamers on the Amazon owned platform, and it appears an individual is targeting him, putting his life and that of his family’s in danger.

It cannot be confirmed if the shooter is deliberately targeting Dr DisRespect, knowing it is his residence, but it seems unlikely that it would be a random attack, two days in a row.

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At this time, Dr DisRespect has only said that the window was hit, so it appears that thankfully no one was hurt in the incident.

Beahm lives with his wife and young daughter, affectionately known by his following as ‘baby disrespect’.

Popular streamers have been targeted by stalkers and intrusive fans in the past, but nothing on the level of shots being fired at their home.