Dr DisRespect Shares a Heartwarming Moment With Baby DisRespect to Celebrate PUBG Victory


Twitch streamer Dr DisRespect put on a performance with his daughter for his stream after he snagged a PUBG chicken dinner, in a clip which is bound to put a smile on your face.

The Doc recently broke some tough news to his fans and followers in a rare personal moment out of character, revealing that he and his wife’s second child had been lost to a miscarriage.

Dr DisRespect has soldiered through and continued to stream daily, saying that he will keep moving forward and see what the future holds.

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And of course he and his wife already have a child, who goes by ‘Baby DisRespect’ to the Doc’s fanbase and makes rare cameo appearances on stream.

However, Baby DisRespect is not so much a baby anymore but instead a sprouting toddler, and is an instant favorite with the viewers sharing some brilliant moments on stream with her father.

After Dr DisRespect won a game in PUBG, he shared a heartwarming moment with his daughter, as the pair went to the Doc’s famous dance floor to bust some moves.

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It is another rare moment of Dr DisRespect sharing something more personal and out of character – although he got right back into the champions club mode.

The clip quickly did the rounds on social media, as fans of the Doc were reminded once again of his human side, as a family man.

Dr DisRespect continues to be one of the most popular streamers on Twitch, known best for playing PUBG and other battle royale games, but everyone knows it is his infectious personality that really draws in the tens of thousands of viewers.

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Sharing more personal moments like this will no doubt help solidify his already loyal fanbase, who in their response to the news of losing his second child, have already shown a real connection to the Doc as a person, and not just an entertainer.