Dr Disrespect labels EA ‘dumb’ after latest Firestorm change

Dr Disrespect, Twitch / EA DICE

Many Battlefield V Firestorm players will have lauded the confirmed arrival of several new features when the game’s first patch went live on April 5, but Dr Disrespect has singled out what he believes to be a “dumb” change from EA DICE. 

The popular Twitch streamer, who has over 3.4 million followers on the platform at the time of writing, is certainly not one to hold back his opinion on changes to battle royale games. 

That wasn’t any different, either, when the Two-Time discussed the changes that were revealed by EA DICE in the patch notes for Battlefield’s new battle royale mode. 

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EA DICEA number of changes were made to Battlefield V Firestorm’s in the #2 update on April 5.

What’s Dr Disrespect’s problem with Firestorm? 

Firestorm’s first major patch was fairly sizeable and included several tweaks to not just gameplay, but the map as well. The notes for the update confirmed that a brand new Duos mode would be added – news which doesn’t seem to have gone down too well with Dr Disrespect. 

“You’re talking about five hundred or six hundred total [working] on Battlefield 5. Right, let’s do the math,” he said, as he tried to work out how much money the developer might have spent on developing the original game and Firestorm. 

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Doc targets game developers

“That’s a fucking lot of money that they [EA] spent and these dumb, dumb idiots had two modes for Firestorm – play solo mode and play squad mode. They couldn’t even fill up one of those and they go: ‘oh, let’s throw duos in too!'”

The streamer doesn’t seem to believe that Firestorm has enough reach in order to fill up the game modes that it will soon offer. 

DICE is not the only game developer that Dr Disrespect has targeted, though, as the streamer has produced several scathing attacks on Epic Games and even Respawn Entertainment in the past. The Doc went as far as saying Apex Legends still feels like a demo on April 24, as seen in the clip below. 

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Whether or not he will be proved right with his Battlefield criticism remains to be seen, but DICE will be hoping that acting upon the wishes of many fans to add another game mode will only attract more players in the future.