Danny Duncan destroys house with indoor baseball pitching machine

danny duncan playing baseballInstagram/YouTube: Danny Duncan

[jwplayer mgzBNoPb]YouTuber Danny Duncan has left his home in tatters after bringing a baseball pitching machine indoors and practicing his swing.

Duncan is known for his pranks and high-energy videos, which typically consist of doing questionable things such as cutting the roof of his Tesla or jumping off of bridges into the lakes beneath.

That said, whatever he’s doing clearly works, as he has racked up over 4.4 million subscribers on the platform and he accumulates millions of views with every video he puts out.

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danny duncan smileInstagram: dannyduncan69
Danny is known for his funny pranks and dangerous stunts.

Now, Danny has decided to bring that energy indoors, putting a baseball pitching machine in his kitchen to perfect his swing.

As you could imagine, the room didn’t end up looking pretty by the time he was done, though that probably wasn’t the aim anyway.

As balls were fed into the pitching machine, the content creator was taking swings at each and every one, occasionally hitting himself or others around him but, more importantly, doing some serious damage to the house.

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By the end of the video, you can see that some purchases are going to have to be made, as huge, baseball-shaped dents lined the walls of the room and the windows directly opposite him look to be on the verge of smashing to smithereens.

Timestamp 10:59

It became a little more concerning when Danny’s niece, Isabelle, turned up and there was glass lining one side of the room from the cracked windows and smashed lightbulb, but she seemed happy enough with it. Though, she didn’t exactly approve of the new decor, asking Danny why he “broke the house.”

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While this might be entertaining, you’ve got to wonder what Danny could do next – and needless to say, whatever it is, it will probably be as fun as it is stupid.