Daily Dose of Internet reveals insane $10M offer for YouTube channel

Daily Dose of InternetYouTube: AnthonyPadilla

YouTuber Daily Dose of Internet has shared that he almost sold his channel, getting offers of more than $10,000,000.

Since 2015, Daily Dose of Internet has become one of the most popular reaction YouTubers on the platform, amassing over 15 million subscribers in the process.

His videos have received six-plus billion views over the last almost-decade, and he stayed faceless until 2022.

During an interview with Anthony Padilla, Daily Dose of Internet revealed he almost sold his channel with offers of more than $10,000,000.

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Daily Dose of Internet reveals he almost sold YouTube channel

Having just recently come out from behind the camera, Daily Dose of Internet, whose real first name is Jason, has been telling stories about his life and career as a long-standing YouTuber.

In his interview with Anthony Padilla, they talked about how Jason was thinking of “quitting YouTube.”

“I didn’t know what to do. I reached out to a few companies to see what they had to offer and one company was like 10 million bucks and the other company was like 12 million and another one was like ‘just name your price, ill do it,'” he revealed.

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“I was really thinking about selling out and just quitting YouTube.”

(Topic starts at 1:48 in the video)

Fortunately for his fans, Jason was two meetings away from selling out before he was advised to try something new — so he started doing YouTube Shorts.

“Best decision I’ve ever made. Everything has exploded. Subscribers, views, everything,” he added.

Many are excited to see the future of Daily Dose of Internet, especially now that he’s revealed his face and is taking part in interviews and such.

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