Corpse Husband warns latest YouTube stream might be “one of the last for a while”

Corpse Husband YouTube StreamWikimedia Commons / Corpse Husband / YouTube

Corpse Husband revealed his latest YouTube stream might be the last one for a while, and he cited multiple reasons, including the desire to focus on other projects, as well as difficulties with fame and health.

It’s been almost three weeks since Corpse Husband streamed last, which is a little longer than the usual gaps between them. However, towards the end of it, he revealed it might be “one of the last for a while.”

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It’s something he’s said several times before, although he confirmed he wouldn’t be quitting anytime soon. But this time, he didn’t re-iterate the same claims. Instead, he revealed he’s planning on slowing down for several reasons.

Corpse Husband Among USYouTube: Corpse Husband
Corpse Husband is a hugely popular presence on YouTube, best known for his horror story narrations, original music, and, of course, his Among Us plays.

“I don’t know if I’m going to have many videos or streams soon. This might be one of the last ones for a while,” he said. “I like to do new things a lot of work on big projects and stuff rather than like a daily consistent thing.”

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He admitted it’s a difficult choice to make because “platforms like YouTube and social media value consistency.” But after “thinking a lot about the direction [he] wants to go,” he feels like it might be for the best.

He also said the whole “faceless anonymous” thing and the fact he “can’t [easily] go outside if [he] wanted to” have also played a part, as well as his health problems, which have been flaring up recently.

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“I’m just letting you guys into what I’m thinking about lately because I feel like I’ve always been pretty open. I always want to have that openness with you guys.”

Related segment begins at 3:26:57 in the video below.

It’s bittersweet news for his fans, who are always pining for new content but understand his decision.

However, it will give him more time to make music, look after his health, and do whatever else he’s planning to do.

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In the end, though, it’s not like he won’t be streaming ever again. It just means it will happen far less often.