Cicis Pizza breaks promise of “unlimited pizza” by kicking out customer after 8 hours

Cicis Pizza breaks promise of unlimited pizza by kicking out customer after 8 hoursTikTok: ugh_madison

Cicis Pizza has been called out after a customer was kicked out after hours, despite the food chain’s promise of “unlimited pizza”.

When offering unlimited pizza, chances are few restaurants expect any customers to take the challenge too seriously.

That, however, is exactly what one TikToker, Madison did. Showing an incredible appetite, she spent 8 hours at Cicis Pizza to make the most of their $9 all-you-can-eat buffet.

But all good things must come to an end, and the restaurant eventually introduced a new rule — seemingly just to kick her out.

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“I didn’t come here to play games, I came here to get my $9 worth,” Madison said, who goes by ‘ugh_madison’ online.

Powering through plates upon plates of food, Madison was “starting to get full” after having been at the restaurant for eight hours. Deciding to be helpful and clean up after herself, Madison’s eating venture came to an end after an employee approached her.

“I do have to ask you to leave because you’ve been here for longer than two hours,” the employee said. “They just made a new rule.”

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TikToker at pizza buffetTikTok: ugh_madison
Madison also filmed her time at Cicis Pizza to show viewers how long she’d been there.

Whether or not the rule was real, many viewers weren’t convinced; “You know they made that rule 5 minutes before they told you!”

They also pointed out that this new rule wasn’t quite fair as the restaurant had never mentioned it; “Hell naw. At that point, I’d say but nobody told me that when I paid… so do I get my money back or do I get to stay?”

Another viewer went so far as to question the legality of Madison’s removal, writing, “Can they legally kick you out if you paid and it’s not visible on the sign?”

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Luckily, Madison stated that she still had fun despite being kicked out. Check out all the latest entertainment news on our page here.