Asmongold roasts “garbage” YouTube Gaming, claiming even Mixer was better

asmongold-youtube-mixerWikimedia Commons / Twitch: Asmongold

Asmongold roasted YouTube Gaming, describing it as “garbage” and “absolute trash” compared to Twitch before claiming Microsoft’s now-defunct streaming platform, Mixer, was better.

Asmon is one of the most open and candid streamers in the scene. He often has hot takes on games and game development, especially World of Warcraft, but he also chimes in on stream-related issues.

It’s no surprise then that after watching a video of Ludwig criticizing YouTube Gaming’s discoverability system compared to Twitch, the MMO Streamer of the Year added his own two cents, and he didn’t hold back.

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Mixer streaming platform logoMicrosoft
Microsoft officially shut Mixer down on June 22, 2020.

“Twitch has a lot more to offer just in discoverability,” said Ludwig. “Even though it’s not the best discoverability platform, it’s still better than Youtube Gaming.”

He explained that YouTube Gaming’s current discoverability system requires users to scroll down on the left-hand side of the page and click ‘live,’ which isn’t great.

“This isn’t the greatest thing of all time, right?”

Asmon followed it up with some scathing comments of his own: “Ludwig’s on contract non-disparagement clause. I’m not.”

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“It’s f**king garbage. It’s absolute trash. It is probably the worst thing I’ve ever seen.”

He claimed Microsoft’s now-defunct streaming platform, Mixer, did a better job. “Mixer was better than this, and Mixer is in the toilet. If YouTube were built around live streaming, it would be in the dumpster.

Despite his comments, YouTube Gaming has become a destination place for streamers. In addition to becoming DrDisrespect’s new home, they’ve signed some big names, including DrLupo, TimTheTatman, and Ludwig.

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On the other hand, Microsoft shut down Mixer in 2020 after signing Ninja and Shroud on multi-million dollar deals proved insufficient to make it a powerhouse platform. So, YouTube Gaming must be doing something right, even if it’s not to Asmon’s taste.