Alinity explains why her pets are never on Twitch streams anymore

A screenshot of Alinity and her dog from Twitch.Twitch: Alinity

Viewers of Twitch streamer Alinity have noticed the absence of her many pets during streams, prompting the content creator provide an explanation on their whereabouts. 

Natalia ‘Alinity’ Mogollon cut her teeth in streaming with World of Warcraft and Apex Legends, growing a loyal fanbase along the way. Over the years, viewers have become accustomed to seeing Alinity’s pets on stream and learning more about the streamer’s personal life.

Now, after viewers have begun to wonder where her pets have disappeared too, the streamer has released a statement clarifying the situation.

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Alinity and AmouranthTwitch: Alinity/Amouranth
Alinity is debating entering the NFT market, in a similar fashion to Amouranth.

Alinity is relocating from Saskatchewan

Addressing her followers directly, Alinity posted a statement to her Twitter feed on December 19. “Many of you have been wondering what’s going on with my pets, and why they aren’t with me in Texas,” Alinity initially stated to her followers.

The streamer revealed that her pets are in safe hands currently, as she said “they are in my house, in Saskatchewan, with my main mod who lived with me for the past 4 years.”

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Due to the size of her house and rules put in place by her landlord, it has made caring for pets immensely difficult: “No landlord will allow for 2 Samoyeds to run around their home. These are very high-energy dogs that will absolutely scratch floors and damage the house. So until I purchase I home, the likelihood of being able to live with them is small.”

“Right now, and for my mental health, I believe that relocating out of Saskatchewan is something I must do,” Alinity explained, as she hopes to find a more permanent solution for reuniting with her pets in the future.

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However, in the meantime her pets will remain with her trusted mod, adding that “they are happy, being taken care of by someone that they have known their entire lives, who they are also very attached to.”