AirTag user goes viral with bizarre story tracking innocent man after her wallet was stolen

TikToker shares story about tracking her wallet thief with Apple AirTagsTikTok: imthebreesknees

A woman revealed her story of a surprise ending which led to her tracing a thief wallet suspect with the help of Apple AirTag.

TikToker Bree (@imthebreesknees) shared her story claiming how accurate the AirTags can be in a TikTok that is three minutes long.

Bree revealed that she received a notification the previous night that her car trunk was open, but she did not pay attention to it.

However, later that day, Bree was notified by her bank that her card had been used at a local liquor store, leading it to be flagged for fraud.

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The TikToker realized later that somebody must have stolen her bag from her car but Apple AirTags came to her rescue.

TikToker uses AirTags to follow wallet thief

AirTags are used to track your items such as bags, wallets, or keys and this helped Bree to find something interesting.

“My AirTag for my wallet is 10 minutes down at a random apartment complex,” she reveals. She called her roommate who said they could go and find out if her wallet was there.

After Bree and her roommate reached the building where the AirTag was, the police were already present there and they were helping someone else out.

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She added that she pretended to be the next person that needed help as they looked around the building along with the police.

But, they ended up filing a police report as they didn’t have a search warrant to conduct a proper search. Police advised Bree to monitor the AirTags to know the whereabouts as detectives will call her up and ask for more information.

The TikToker continued, “So today at around noon, I noticed that the AirTag was at our 7-Eleven, that was 5 minutes down the street.” She added that she freaked out and decided to find these people who might have stolen her wallet.

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TikToker reveals plot twist

Bree follows the Find My App, which showcases that her AirTag is in a car as a man was sitting in the car. She shared that she told the man, “Hey, sir, have you been able to find a wallet? I’m missing it.”

The TikTok user added that her AirTag shows it’s in his car and the man denied having her wallet and drove away. But as he drove away, Bree could see the AirTag moving away in the same direction the man went as well.

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Bree decided to follow him home and got in touch with the police again as she tried to get him to a location where she could check if her wallet was in his car.

A police officer, however, found Bree’s AirTag in the side mirror of the car, meaning that the thief must have left the AirTag away as he left the scene.

“So, I essentially followed an innocent man for 24 hours,” Bree concludes in the video. She made a follow-up video as she revealed her wallet and bag are still missing and shared that the man in the car was not involved.

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The video garnered over a million views on TikTok as viewers said that the ending was unexpected.