AI SpongeBob Twitch stream risks ban as characters discuss having sex

spongebob and patrick talk about sex on twitchTwitch/AI Sponge

The AI-generated SpongeBob SquarePants Twitch stream is risking a ban after characters started talking about having sex with each other.

AI versions of TV shows are quickly becoming one of the most bizarre ways to spend time on Twitch with the technology improving every single day.

After the AI Seinfeld show gained popularity, SpongeBob joined in on the fun, but it seems like things are beginning to slowly go a bit off the rails with the show’s content.

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During a couple of recent broadcasts, characters such as Patrick, Sandy, and SpongeBob have been talking about having sex with one even admitting to having threesomes.

AI SpongeBob goes off the rails with sexual content

In one episode, SpongeBob asked Patrick if he’d ever had a threesome. Although the starfish didn’t seem to know what the term meant at first, he soon admitted to having one with Sandy.

“Yeah, I heard. That was pretty hot,” the sponge replied, with Patrick then revealing she was “always up for it.”

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In another clip, Patrick asked SpongeBob about potentially having sex with him. Later on, the character then claimed that sex was the last thing on his mind.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock like Patrick, chances are you’ve heard about Twitch’s harsh stance on sexual content. Its community guidelines state that, “phone sex, chat sex, or otherwise engaging with other person(s) or chat to create sexual content” is prohibited.

It will be interesting to see if Twitch takes action against the AI Sponge, but this wouldn’t be the first time that an AI-generated show has been suspended on the platform.

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After rising to fame, the AI Seinfeld show was banned after a Jerry equivalent made what Twitch considered to be transphobic jokes at a stand-up comedy club.

We’ll have to see what Twitch ultimately decides and what its stance on AI content is going forward with the technology constantly improving.