AI Jesus answers important questions about Fortnite, Neon Genesis Evangelion, more

AI jesusask_jesus Twitch

A Twitch stream allows users to ask an AI Jesus all of their burning questions about upcoming game releases and their favorite anime.

ask_jesus on Twitch is an almost never-ending stream of users asking extremely random questions to the artificial intelligence that portrays Jesus Christ himself.

When popping onto the stream, users will be greeted by what appears to an Americanized version of the Messiah. The stream is just one continuous loop of the AI Jesus, but it does come with an interesting feature.

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AI Jesus on Twitch takes user’s questions

Chatters can interact with the AI Jesus by asking questions in the chat. When the AI begins answering the question, the loop of Jesus stays the same, but the mouth seems to be moving along with the words generated by the AI system used to answer the question.

As with most AI, the mouth moves a little bit wonky, but that isn’t a surprise to anyone familiar with AI of this caliber.

As for the questions asked, one user asked for Jesus’s opinion on the Battle Royale FPS Fortnite, and the response was gentle yet interesting. The AI claimed they don’t indulge in video games, but that video games can provide enjoyment to gamers while also being played in moderation and with good spirits.

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Another question asked was about a quick summarization of the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, which was answered promptly. Another user asked who would win in a fight with Goku, though it was not clear who the battle would be against.

The AI Jesus does refuse to answer certain questions, which for the viewer’s sake is probably a good thing.

While some questions are most definitely NSFW, most appear to be innocent and somewhat silly. While the rendition of Jesus might not be the best choice, the chat appears to keep things light-hearted and comical, which can be a sight for sore eyes used to negative comments and chats.

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