WWE Superstar Randy Orton reportedly paid $1,000 to level up his Elden Ring character

Randy Orton Elden RingFromSoftware/WWE

Randy Orton is no stranger to cheating in the WWE ring and we love him for it but cheating at Elden Ring? The world-famous wrestler reportedly dropped $1,000 to have his character leveled.

Elden Ring can be a tough game to overcome. It’s a From Software title, so that’s kind of expected. It’s the kind of difficulty that inspired challenge runs using blindfolds, dance pads, and even a goldfish.

For those hoping to mitigate some of the challenges, Elden Ring makes it easier than most Soulsborne titles to over-level yourself. The long grind for runes has caused players to figure out plenty of exploits to speed up the process.

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WWE’s Randy Orton is a pretty busy guy, so for him, it looks like it was easier to have someone do the hard part for him. On a recent episode of Insiderz TV, former WWE Superstars Mansoor Al-Shehail and Brennan Williams revealed that Orton had apparently paid someone to level his Elden Ring character.

Al-Shehail and Williams explained they were both known video game enjoyers amongst their WWE colleagues. According to them, that’s why Orton initially approached them at the peak of Elden Ring’s hype to discuss the game with them.

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According to the duo, despite Orton’s love of the game, he’d been struggling with the early hours of Elden Ring. Al-Shehail performed his version of the interaction during the Insiderz TV stream.

“Yeah no it’s f**king hard,” Orton explained to the pair in Al-Shehail’s retelling. “Uh, I paid a guy like a thousand bucks to give me, like, infinite runes so I could just level up to 100 right away.”

“People are gonna talk about that on Twitter and think that that’s a fake rumor,” Al Shehail said after he was done with his recreation. “Out of all the rumors that sound fake, that is the realest one,” replied Williams.

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A hilarious dramatization of the encounter was uploaded to the Insiderz TV TikTok account which does the moment more justice than my words ever could. I know I called Orton’s paid rune farming cheating but perhaps that was a little harsh.

When you’ve got a busy schedule of training, traveling, and performing, maybe a little pay-to-win is understandable. Especially if it’s to enjoy a certified banger like Elden Ring.