Dr Disrespect pitches bold idea for new Elden Ring speedrunning tournament

dr-disrespect-elden-ring-speedrunning-tournament-ideaYouTube: Dr Disrespect / From Software

Dr Disrespect pitched a bold idea for a new Elden Ring speedrunning tournament for streamers, and it could be exactly what the game needs to drive its player count back up again.

Elden Ring burst onto the scene with critical acclaim and immense popularity back in February 2022. However, it’s player-count has fallen since, which is to be expected given the fact it’s a single-player game.

The speedrunning community is still going strong though, and it gave Dr Disrespect an intriguing idea to create an Elden Ring speedrunning tournament for streamers like himself — which he thinks would be “sick.”

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Elden Ring classesFrom Software
Dr Disrespect’s Elden Ring speedrunning tournament idea could be a huge draw.

At first, the two-time was skeptical about it. “An Elden Ring tournament? I don’t know. It’s kind of hard to do an Elden Ring ring tournament, right?” he said. “Unless you had full customization. Like, being able to customize particular settings.”

However, after pondering about how competitive Elden Ring speedrunning has become, he changed his tune. “You’ve seen these speedrunners,” he said. “I guess I could see an Elden Ring tournament working.”

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The two-time brainstormed how it would work, explaining that players would need to race against each other to take down a specific set of bosses, dungeons, and challenges rather than finish the whole game in one sitting.

“You won’t know what it is,” he added, stressing its importance. “No one will know what the route is until the day of the tournament and then boom. That would be kind of sick. It’s about who can get the farthest.”

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As for how the “ultimate winner” would be determined, he wasn’t sure himself. However, he said it would have to be a metric that cannot be cheesed, which rules out leveling since some people “know all the tricks.”

The relevant part of the video begins at 5:05:20.

Doc admitted the idea isn’t perfect. “The problem is I have a feeling you’re going to get a lot of people who could finish on the same guy or something in the tournament,” he said. However, it’s something that can be ironed out.

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He also revealed he isn’t too keen on including PvP combat. “I’m not really into the PvP stuff. I can’t even watch people just PvP either. It’s just it’s kind of boring to a certain degree unless the characters are really leveled up.”