Dota 2 team faces backlash after dropping player due to mom’s terminal cancer


A Dota 2 team is facing massive amounts of backlash after one of their players claimed he was let go from the org due to his mother’s terminal cancer.

After more than a year playing for Dota 2 Team SMG, Michael ‘ninjaboogie‘ Ross revealed on May 20 that he had been dropped from the squad.

However, the reason he was let go has caused a large amount of backlash against Team SMG, as according to ninjaboogie, it was because his mother was suffering from cancer.

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On May 20, Ross claimed that he had been “kicked because my mom was on her last days and they [Team SMG] assumed it would affect my performance.”

“I already knew for some time that this day will come, since she had stage 4 cancer. She passed away on Monday,” ninjaboogie explained. “Imagine being fired from a job because you are about to lose a loved one.”

The pro continued to explain that his mom was admitted to the hospital on May 12, just before he was set to travel to Team SMG’s bootcamp.

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“I asked if I could have my flight moved, as bootcamp starts on the 20th. Midone gave me a call on the 14th asking my decision,” Ross continued. “I gave my decision the following day and was informed he wanted to talk. They had a meeting without me and informed me the were going to continue without me. ”

Team SMG also posted about ninjaboogie leaving the org on May 20 – however, they didn’t include any details as to why. Instead, their “thank you ninjaboogie” post was quickly ratioed, racking up more than 500 replies to just over 300 likes.

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“Tell them the real reason of the kick,” ninjaboogie replied to SMG, while others called the team’s decision “cold-blooded.”

It remains to be seen where ninjaboogie will end up next, but there’s no doubt Dota fans have found the alleged actions by Team SMG totally egregious.