Game-changing Diablo 4 bug lets Eternal characters cross into Seasonal Realm

Diablo 4 ExpansionBlizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4 players have cracked the code to multiversal travel. A new glitch that involves unplugging your internet mid-game is allowing the community to Migrate Eternal characters into the Seasonal Realm.

Diablo 4 players caused a bit of a hubbub when it was first announced that Season of the Malignant would require them to make a new character from scratch. Veterans of the franchise were no strangers to the concept but some newer players found the decision frustrating.

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Of course, since the launch of the season and the controversy surrounding the accompanying patch, they’ve had more pressing concerns. Complaints that the game is “dead” and major influencers announcing their departure have hurt Diablo 4 in the short term.

For anyone still frustrated about the Seasonal character creation though, this new glitch may alleviate it somewhat. YouTuber Glitch Unlimited posted a video breaking down inter-realm travel and its utilities.

How does Diablo 4’s Realm migration exploit work?

To exploit the glitch, you’ll need to group up with a friend in the Seasonal Realm. If you briefly disconnect your internet, you’ll be able to log back into the Seasonal Realm with your Eternal characters.

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When players do shatter the barriers between the realms, their Eternal characters will come equipped with all of their gear and whatever is in their inventory. The benefits of this are manyfold.

Eternal characters can sell their items for big money to load your Seasonal character up with gold. They can stash high-level weapons or Aspects to take advantage of. They can even take Seasonal Aspects back to the Eternal Realm with them.

Potentially the most useful application for this glitch, however, is the opportunity to grind with boosted EXP. One of Diablo 4’s Seasonal Blessings is boosted EXP gains and your Eternal character can benefit from this if they cross over.

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Diablo 4 Season BlessingsBlizzard Entertainment
Nobody ever said no to more EXP.

The glitch only lasts for the duration of your play session. It will need to be repeated if you’re coming back for another round of trading or grinding.

Blizzard is sure to want to correct this issue given their stated desire to repair the game in Patch 1.1.1 and beyond. It would be wise for players who want to take advantage of this exploit to do so quickly.