Excited fans call Diablo 4 Season 4 “a new beginning” for the game

Diablo 4 Season 4Blizzard Entertainment

Diablo Season 4 is set to be a soft reset for the game’s seasonal content, and so far, the community is optimistic about the future of the loot-chaser.

Diablo 4‘s seasonal content has been a bumpy ride since the game launched in June 2023, with both Season 1 and 3 failing to win over fans. Season 2’s Vampire Powers were a major hit with players, but whether it’s been confusion around what seasons are, or debates about what they should be, the overall response has been mixed at best. However, the upcoming Season 4 may change all this.

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Blizzard has gone back to the drawing board with Season 4 of Diablo 4 and rather than giving the season a theme, they have simply referred to it as “Loot Reborn”, and made changes to the game’s itemization system its main selling point. Fans have wanted this for a while now, and Blizzard has made it clear that Season 4 is the start of a new era for Diablo as the game approaches its first anniversary. There’s also an expansion planned for late 2004.

Diablo 4 Season 4 Barbarian Promo ArtBlizzard Entertainment
Season 4 will be a fresh start for Diablo 4.

Since Season 1 of Diablo 4, many fans have expressed frustration with the seasonal themes only being temporary fixtures, with the loss of Vampire Powers after Season 2 being the main example. Season 3’s Construct theme failed to capture imaginations quite like the Vampire threat did. Season 4 abandoning traditional seasons brings some players hope that popular themes won’t go away, but be absorbed into the game as permanent mechanics.

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Talking optimistically about Season 4 on Reddit, one poster said: “Actually can’t wait. This season is a new beginning for the game. Should it have taken the 4th season to actually feel like the game is launching for real? No. But it did, and we’re here, and I couldn’t be more excited about it.”

Others said: “Gonna be a blast. Then later this year we get an expansion! The expansion should make this game really take off!”, and “May 14 is not coming fast enough”.

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Some spoke about Season 4 renewing their interest in the game, saying: “Same!! I skipped S3 as I didn’t like the pet mechanic, but I’m pretty hyped again!” and “So stoked!! I’m going double-swing Dust Devil Barb. Haven’t tried Barb yet can’t wait!”

Others were more cautious about Diablo 4 Season 4, saying: “I hate to say this, but mark my words, this sub is gonna be toxic within a week or two of the new season.” However, the commenter was mostly referring to Diablo 4 fans being hard to please rather than Season 4 itself not living up to expectations.

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Diablo 4 Season 4 goes live on May 14, 2024 across all platforms.