Elon Musk threatens to flee Diablo 4 for Destiny 2 amid class balance complaints

Elon Musk smoking weed next to Destiny 2YouTube: PowerfulJRE/ Bungie

Elon Musk has threatened to flee Diablo 4 after complaining about class balancing issues, claiming they’d leave for sci-fi looter shooter Destiny 2 instead.

Blizzard’s Diablo 4 has had a bit of a rocky history. Originally hailed as a fantastic return to form for the series, it stumbled a fair amount as it transitioned into its live service model. With a rather lackluster first season, the game suffered a fair amount, with players lashing out at the developers a great deal.

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Diablo 4’s second season did a good job of giving the game a breath of new life. With players once again satiated with the seasonal offerings, it seemed like Blizzard’s action RPG finally was putting up a fighting chance after all.

However, that second wind was short-lived, as players have begun complaining about issues with Season 3. This includes CEO of Twitter/ X Elon Musk, who is known as an avid Diablo 4 fan. The influencer shared their frustration with class balancing in the current season, threatening to leave for a new title if things don’t change.

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Destiny 2 on the cards for Twitter CEO thanks to balancing issues in Diablo 4

In a response to a tweet about build crafting, Musk expressed their disappointment at the current balance in Diablo 4, claiming there was no point in having other classes if only one is strong. They ended off their scathing critique with a simple and ominous threat.

“Seems pointless to have other classes if only one is at all competitive. Might try Destiny 2.”

Musk has been known as an avid gamer in the past, so hopping onto Bungie’s looter shooter wouldn’t be unlike them. This announcement was made much to the dismay of some of the Destiny 2 community.

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It’s uncertain if Musk actually booted up Destiny 2, but with the threat looming in the air, Blizzard is definitely feeling the pressure to get things right.