Elon Musk solos Diablo 4’s hardest challenge to date in insane run

Elon Musk Clears Diablo 4 DungeonBlizzard Entertainment/X: Elon Musk

X owner Elon Musk has burned through one of Diablo 4’s most difficult dungeons in an insane solo run inspiring awe online.

Apparently, when Elon Musk isn’t getting caught up in weird AI drama or telling the CEO of Disney to go f**k himself, the man is playing Diablo 4. And we mean really playing Diablo 4.

His gaming hobby isn’t exactly a secret. He has streamed a Diablo 4 session to X before and been roasted for his abysmal Elden Ring build. He’s clearly learned some lessons since then.

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On January 11, 2024, Musk posted a clip of himself using his level 100 Druid to solo a tier-25 Abattoire of Zir in Diablo 4. It’s honestly kind of impressive.

For the uninitiated, the Abattoirs of Zir are the penultimate challenge in Diablo 4 currently. Even the lower tiers require a fully optimized build to have any hope of succeeding and tier-25 (the highest possible tier) was considered impossible by players at one point.

In the clip, Musk shreds through high-level enemies with insane health pools like they’re nothing. His poison Werewolf build is packing a serious punch.

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He’s seen regularly switching forms from Werewolf to Werebear to stack buffs from his Legendary gear and pulping everything on screen into piles of green goo. His clear time is pretty impressive too clocking in at under eight minutes, though Musk seems to think he can improve it.

“Made many mistakes & my accelerating snapshot is weak, so much better clear times are possible,” Musk explained in the thread. “Thanks to everyone who helped! Could not have done it without you.”

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Diablo 4 Lord Zir Loot TableBlizzard Entertainment
Lord Zir is a pretty mean guy and his Abattoirs are just as nasty.

Watching the clip, we’re not entirely unconvinced that Musk doesn’t have access to some sort of time travel. How else do you grind that hard while still doing whatever daily stuff being a tech billionaire entails?

It’s unclear whether or not Musk intends to share more of his progress. We’d like to see if he can shave his run time down before Diablo 4 Season 3 launches.