Diablo 4’s story set to continue every 3 months with new seasonal content

Diablo 4 In Game City Fractured PeaksBlizzard

Diablo 4’s story will continue after the base game launches with new seasonal story content being added every 3 months.

Blizzard’s ARPG Diablo 4 is slowly approaching its release on June 6, 2023. However, in the meantime, Blizzard has been divulging more information about the game through its closed beta weekends. Players were able to get their hands on the game earlier than usual and playtest for the weekends they were permitted to, provided they were able to get past the queues and bugs.

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Many players have wondered what the future of Diablo 4 would look like post-game launch, and fortunately, Blizzard has given some insight into what that might look like. Diablo 4’s associate game director Joe Piepiora told Game Informer that the game’s post-launch will consist of quarterly updates. These updates will include additional story content, furthering the ever-growing world and story within the game. Seasonal updates will also tie in new mechanics and features into the story, adding complexity for those seeking it.

As per usual, a battle pass will be part of the included content for the quarterly updates, including a free and premium version for those who opt into it. Blizzard has confirmed that the game’s first season will not go live with the base game launch, instead arriving sometime later.

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Diablo 4 Icarus CutsceneBlizzard
Diablo 4’s Seasonal Content will further the story of the game.

Piepiora said that he has hesitated to use the term “expansion”, giving some indication of Diablo 4’s content direction. Blizzard still has plans for larger-scale expansions for Diablo 4 however, these will be separate from the regular seasonal content.

Expansions in Diablo 4 will still cost an additional amount alongside the base game but will offer a larger amount of content in comparison to a regular season.

Blizzard has confirmed that all seasonal content aside from the premium battle pass will be free, however, meaning players can still enjoy the story content on offer without having to pay anything extra.

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