Diablo 4 players most excited for new WASD movement feature in Season 3

diablo 4 wasd movementBlizzard Entertainment

Blizzard has unleashed Diablo 4 Season 3 details, and new QoL features like the WASD movement seem to have players the most excited.

Diablo 4 Season 3 has officially been unveiled as Season of the Construct. The update will introduce a brand-new questline, Seneschal Companions, and Vaults that aim to test the Wanderer’s mettle.

Blizzard unveiled the above details and more on January 16, one week before Season 3 goes live. But it appears many players are especially interested in the upcoming quality-of-life improvements.

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One such change will increase the frequency of Helltide events. Another finally unlocks access to an additional Stash Tab. Notably, those who play on mouse and keyboard are especially looking forward to the movement changes.

Diablo 4 Season 3 finally adds WASD movement

A blog post on Blizzard News outlines a handful of the QoL changes slated for Diablo 4’s third season. As noted above, players can anticipate always-active Helltides and an extra Stash Tab (purchasable at a Stash in any capital city). The post additionally teased improvements for reallocating skill trees and the UI for Gold trading.

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But some fans especially have their eye on Season 3’s introduction of WASD movements. The blog states that users on PC “can now navigate through the various wastes of Sanctuary by using the W-A-S-D keys on your keyboard, instead of your mouse. Enjoy the increased functionality of traversing through dungeons and above-ground alike.”

diablo 4 expansionsBlizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4 players have already made their thoughts known on the Season 3 WASD update. “Super excited for the WASD feature,” one person wrote in a Reddit thread about the new season.

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Someone else in the same thread said the QoL fixes seem “minimal” save for the addition of WASD.

Notably, another user started a Reddit discussion just to highlight the upcoming change for Diablo 4’s PC audience. “WASD is here. Finally,” the original poster said, in part.

Several people chimed in to share that they, too, couldn’t be happier about the coming update. “Thank the lord. I don’t know how many times I got stun-locked into a wall and died because I tried to kite away,” reads one response.

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Another reply says, “WASD controls feel amazing in games like Ravenswatch, so I’m very excited for this implementation.”

Diablo 4 fans can dive into all of the above and more when Season 3 arrives on Tuesday, January 23.

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