Diablo 4 Season 5 Hotfix 4 patch notes: Damage over time bugfixes

Diablo 4 Duriel Loot TableBlizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4 Season 5’s fourth hotfix is live and the August 15 update has finally resolved one of the most annoying damage over time bugs.

Diablo 4 Season 5 is in full swing and most of its new inclusions have been fairly well received by players. The wave-based Infernal Hordes endgame challenge is a notable standout with the new mode completely overshadowing Season 4’s Artificer’s Pit.

Of course, the new season isn’t without its faults and some players have taken to calling it the “Season of Infernal Bugs”. Issues with Uber Lilith’s drops and loot disappearing have taken a toll on Season 5’s reputation.

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Fortunately, Blizzard has just released a new update and while it doesn’t fix everything, it takes care of a particularly annoying bug. Below are the patch notes for Diablo 4 Season 5 Hotfix 4.

Diablo 4 Season 5 Hotfix 4 patch notes

Game Updates

Aspect of Splintering Energy:

  • Damage increased from 25-50% to 50-80%.
  • Splintering Energy will arc to additional enemies less frequently.

NOTE: Tooltip descriptors for this will be changed in an upcoming update.

Developer’s Note: In rare instances, this Aspect alongside Fractured Winterglass could cause detrimental server performance issues. To solve for this, we’re reducing the frequency of it arcing to additional enemies, and increasing its damage to compensate. Additionally, the amount of Frozen Orbs that can be launched from Conjurations while using Fractured Winterglass has been adjusted in these rare instances.

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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Damage over Time effects could persist after the player died and revived.
  • Various stability improvements.

Developer’s Note: The team is continuing our investigations around issues and player reports tied to trading. For now, trade will continue to be disabled and we will follow up with updates.

Diablo 4 Season 5 Poison Damage Over TimeBlizzard Entertainment
Hopefully, poison enemies in Diablo 4 Season 5 are a little less terrifying now.

Issues with damage over time (DOT) effects have been a lingering issue in Diablo 4 that has been frustrating players since launch. Seeing a fix for the post-death carryover should be a welcome change.

Players have also noted issues with enemies’ DOT scaling and how troublesome it is when coming up against poison and fire effects. Whether or not this new fix will have any impact on how it feels to face these types of enemies remains to be seen.

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