Diablo 4 players call for reroll system from Diablo 3 to return

diablo 4 reroll systemBlizzard Entertainment

The reroll system from Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls is desperately needed in Diablo 4, according to players frustrated with the endgame.

Rerolling gear stats plays an integral part in Diablo 4’s endgame experience, as doing so can help fully optimize a character build.

The reroll system works via Enchanting, a feature made accessible when visiting Occultists. It’s a fairly simple process that allows players to swap out an item’s preexisting stats or Affixes.

Someone specializing in dealing cold damage may not care for a piece of gear’s fire damage boost and could, thus, try swapping out that particular stat for something else. But as things currently stand, the reroll options feel limited at best, especially when compared to Diablo 3.

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Diablo 4 players want Diablo 3’s reroll system to make a comeback

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls introduced a reroll mechanic that resurfaced in the newer title, albeit in a cruder form. Unsurprisingly, players want the previous system to return.

Diablo 3’s system displays all possible Affixes in accordance with the stat being replaced. Meanwhile, the Enchanting menu in Diablo 4 merely shows a few Affixes from which users can choose.

Reddit user Satokibi pointed out as much in a recent post, displaying the two menus side-by-side to emphasize their point. The thread’s 3,000-plus upvotes suggest many players agree that Diablo 3’s reroll should replace Diablo 4’s.

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One person in the thread pointed out the silliness of the more expansive feature’s absence in Diablo 4. Someone else responded to the comment with, “100% gonna be given to us at some point. But it is still crazy that they didn’t simply transfer this QoL feature from the get-go.”

Others joked Blizzard will probably introduce a better reroll system to Diablo 4 in the future, then bill it “as a new fresh idea.”

And some players are just frustrated that QoL mechanics from the previous entry didn’t make the cut at launch. “This game still needs a year of solid development to be in the realm of good. Or it needs [it’s own] Reaper of Souls 2.0 upgrade…”

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This isn’t the only Diablo 3 function that players have requested. The community agrees that the ability to replay campaign bosses should return as endgame content. The jury’s still out on whether or not such requests will be considered in the future.