Diablo 4 players plead for devs to add one missing feature from Diablo 3

diablo season journeyBlizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4 allows players to create builds according to their preferred playstyle, and players think adding this one missing feature from the previous game would do wonders.

While some players dislike the grindy nature of Diablo 4, one thing that can keep one’s playthrough exciting is trying out different builds. For example, Necromancer players can opt for a minion build or a more tanky Infimist build to clear up dungeons or even create their unique build according to their playstyle. 

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This goes for other classes as well, as players can unlock many skills throughout their gameplay. The game does let players respec their skills if they decide to change their mind. But, putting everything together all over again can take some time and be quite costly.

Regarding this issue, a player on Reddit has brought up that it would be nice if the game added a loadout system, allowing players to swap certain saved skills or paragon boards easily.

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In the comments, some players couldn’t help but bring up the loadout system from the previous game, Diablo 3. “Diablo 3 has it, rifts, and leaderboards and matchmaking. I don’t understand why Diablo 4 didn’t have all these done better and more,” one user wrote.

While a different user agrees this would bring a “fun” improvement to the game, some comments pointed out how the game still needs other QoL updates and other features to be added aside from loadout.

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One of them mentioned: “There are a couple of thousand things this game should have; a loadout system is definitely one of them. Diablo 2 was released 24 years ago and still felt more complete at release than this game does.”

Diablo 4 Season 3 Gauntlet delayBlizzard Entertainment
Players have said a loadout system would improve Diablo 4’s quality of life.

Aside from that, a different user mentioned that devs already talked about the loadout feature in a Campfire Chat around six months ago. 

However, they mentioned they had no timeline for the loadouts, though that’s something they’re excited about. With that in mind, it looks like players requesting this feature will just have to be patient for now.

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