Diablo 4 players want major improvements to underwhelming treasure goblins

treasure goblin in diablo 4Blizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4’s treasure goblins are the gateway to free goodies and valuable loot. However, in their current capacity, D4 players feel they are not packing the punch of older Diablo games.

During your time in Sanctuary, it’s more than likely that you will come face-to-face with a treasure goblin. There’s nothing devious about them, their purpose is quite literally in their name. If you see one, quickly close the distance to them in Diablo 4 and wail on them to secure yourself free loot.

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This was also their purpose in Diablo 3 and also Diablo: Immortals. Although, it seems as if their presence in D4 isn’t as meaningful. Players believe that treasure goblins just aren’t packing the oomph they’ve featured in previous Diablo games and want them to be buffed across the board.

Treasure goblins “never drop anything good” in Diablo 4

In the words of Reddit user featurecast: “Is it just me or are treasure goblins in D4 kind of lame now?” They explained how treasure goblins seem “really easy to kill in D4” and that they “never drop anything good” either.

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The user continued: “I’m not sure if I have bad luck but I usually just get a couple of mediocre yellows and a couple of gems. Maybe a legendary one in ten. I think they need to up the loot tables on treasure goblins also HP buff makes them more challenging and rewarding. A challenging loot piñata you can actually get excited when you spot one.”

In what was comfortably the top comment, another Diablo 4 Reddit user agreed and said: “Agreed; they’re underwhelming. They should offer a legendary and a small chance of a Greed portal.”

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As seen in previous Diablo experiences, a Greed portal takes players to The Vault – the home of the goblins are their exhaustive supply of hoarded treasure.

Even just the minute details about the treasure goblins are leaving players feeling empty: “I really miss their ‘hee heeeee’ laugh. My friends and I used to really enjoy hunting for one as soon as we heard that. Now I have to constantly keep an eye on my minimap to see if one appears on it. It really does feel lackluster when killing the goblins now though, the excitement just isn’t there anymore,” offered another user.

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Casual Diablo 4 fans aren’t the only ones who are having some issues with the game it seems. Even Hollywood royalty is dismayed as Whoopi Goldberg herself is demanding a refund for the RPG title.