Diablo 4 players want Blizzard to fix “boring” Helltide grind with one feature

Diablo 4 HelltideBlizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4 players have gotten a taste of Blood Harvests and they don’t want to spit it out. Players think a certain feature from them could be used to improve the game’s tedious Helltides.

Diablo 4 has recaptured its player base with the unqualified success of its Season of Blood update. Far from the ironically maligned Season of the Malignant, this latest effort from Blizzard has fans back in their corner.

Changes to endgame farming thanks to new loot tables for the game’s major bosses are a big plus. By far the most loved change however is the new Blood Harvest events in Diablo 4 Season 2.

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Now players want Blizzard to use Blood Harvests as a template for fixing Helltides. Reddit user u/rafaelvicario added to the growing discourse around the frustration with Helltides and offered a take many agree with.

The primary aim of this proposed upgrade is to improve players’ access to Living Steel for the Grigore and Duriel boss fight summons. Diablo 4 fans have already talked at length about the frustrating grind for Living Steel.

The requirement of 300 Cinders to open a Living Steel chest has been forcing players into protracted Helltide sessions for minimal reward. u/rafaelvicario’s suggestion is that “Vampiric Zone summon pedestals” could “speed up the process of collecting 300 Cinders.”

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Vampiric Zones allow players to summon a large number of mobs at a time and would greatly increase the amount of Cinders on offer. Users in the comments have unanimously agreed with the idea as well as adding a suggestion of their own.

One player suggested that the developers “make Helltides rotate every hour” in the same way that Blood Harvests do. The current three-hour rotation limits the opportunity to collect Living Steel and farm endgame bosses.

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Diablo 4 Duriel Loot TableBlizzard Entertainment
More Living Steel means more Duriel fights, which means more Shakos baby!

Many in the thread are confident that these changes could be in the works given Blizzard’s assertion that seasonal changes could be carried over depending on reception. “I feel like the Vampiric Zone is them testing a potential Helltides change,” one player theorized.

If you’re looking to speed up your own Diablo 4 progression, check out our guides for the game below:

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