Diablo 4 players think Blizzard is overlooking “boring AF” problem

diablo 4 character looking to sideBlizzard Entertainment

Blizzard is constantly tinkering with Diablo 4’s gameplay. Some changes have been received better than others, but one key area keeps being overlooked and Diablo 4 players are growing bored of the issue.

Diablo 4 Season 1 is in the books and the devs recently sat down to play the game and explain some of their decision-making processes. Although, it didn’t go down that well as the community called the session “atrocious” and even Asmongold labeled the team as “out of touch”.

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Players have certainly been going back and forth with changes to Diablo 4. They’ve been big fans of changes to Nightmare Dungeons and Wrathful Hearts drop rate increases. On the other hand, they’ve not been impressed with the constant “silent changes” made to the game or a familiar aspect of Diablo 4’s gameplay.

Diablo 4’s loot system is “mentally exhausting” to players

According to Diablo 4 Reddit user E6Hooch: “For a loot-centric driven game, drops are boring AF.”

This harks back to an issue that doesn’t seem to be going away or getting addressed by Blizzard – the loot system.

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The OP explained to the D4 community: “I don’t get excited when Rares drop, nor when Legendaries drop, and not when uniques drop. Legendaries and Uniques need to trigger that dopamine at the chance of getting an upgrade. They need to inherently have a chance at being better than rares. One way to achieve this could be by giving Legendaries and Uniques a 5th affix, which would ensure that there is a very good probability that it’s better than any rare you could possibly find.”

One of the replies issued a constructive solution to the problem: “The real fix is, eliminating a good chunk of the useless stats no one uses or wants. Reducing the amount of loot that drops. So that when a piece does actually drop, it has great stats that we actually care about, and can properly min max. Without spending tedious time just vendoring everything that drops. Then increase the amount of gold dropped to balance the less loot dropped that just gets vendored.”

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Another post also highlighted the issues being caused by the game’s current loot system.

“The loot system is very boring and mentally exhausting to me,” their post said, and they described how they were “forcing myself to enjoy the game.”

They explained that they “get very overwhelmed and exhausted from having to think and read every single item after each dungeon” and other players had similar feelings.

“The real fix is f**king loot filter,” offered one user and another said: “None of the gear items seems unique enough, different gear legendaries look the same on icons but have different names. It’s a shame, as the game is half-decent but the core aspect: the loot is completely broken and it seems we mainly play inventory management all the time!”

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With Diablo 4 Season 2 being cooked up, players will be holding their breath to see if Blizzard does decide to make some serious changes to the loot system.