Diablo 4 players mock Blizzard’s quality control as Season 2 items appear in Season 3

Diablo 4 Season of the Construct promotional artBlizzard

Diablo 4 players aren’t happy with Blizzard devs after discovering old items from Season 2 which should have been removed are dropping as rewards in Season 3. 

Diablo 4’s second season, Season of Blood, received plenty of praise from players for its refreshed leveling mechanics better pacing, and interesting new abilities in the season’s unique Vampire Powers. 

But its latest season, Season of the Construct, hasn’t fostered quite the same sentiment as its predecessor. Players have been majorly unhappy with Season 3. There were complaints about Malphus — both the difficulty and the loot drops. Plus, an almost universal dislike for the new trap rooms, with many dubbing them “terrible”. 

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While Blizzard did release a patch to try and address some of the issues, another bug has been spotted causing a mix of amusement and frustration for players.

A thread on Reddit has shown a Season 2 items, which should have been removed at S3’s release, dropping as a reward for a player in a Season 3 helltide. 

“Season 3 is so bad that Blizzard wants to roll back to Season 2,” the thread’s title joked, captioning a screenshot of a loot drop of a Pact of Ferocity. One of Season 2’s consumable rewards. “Had this drop from a boss during helltide,” the OP explained in the comments. 

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The response to the discovery ranged from amusement, often with a touch of black humor in the light of Blizzard’s recent layoffs, to frustration. 

“Does quality control exist at Blizzard?” One user asked, prompting someone to respond with: “They just laid them all off.”

Diablo 4 Season of the Construct promotional artBlizzard
Players haven’t been as happy with Season 3 as its predecessor.

“Blizzard needs to roll back the whole company to 2008,” another joked.

But some players were more bothered by the oversight on the part of the devs.

“From bad to worse. Regardless of any actual fixes, this just further demonstrates the sheer incompetence of the devs,” posted one user. “Just refund us at this point, complete irredeemable s–t show,” agreed another.  

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With many fans hoping for something as fresh and invigorating as Season of Blood, it seems like Season 3 isn’t quite living up to expectations.