Diablo 4 players hot under the collar for new “lewd” cosmetic

Diablo 4 beauty in sin cosmeticBlizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4’s new rogue cosmetic set doesn’t leave a whole lot to the imagination, but that’s not the only reason players are feeling heated.

Blizzard have just dropped ‘Beauty in Sin’, a new Diablo 4 cosmetic set specific to Rogues. The variation of the set for the female body type is a detailed reproduction of the costume worn by pop artist, Halsey in the music video for Lilith (Diablo IV Anthem).

The ensemble consists of a large collar-like choker, a bustier with a plunging neckline, high leg briefs, and knee high lace-up boots with matching gauntlets. Meanwhile, the masculine variation of the cosmetic offers similar accessories albeit with a chest harness and a pair of skin-tight, high waisted pants.

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Both are the kind of leather and hardware-leaden get-ups that really wouldn’t feel out of place at a BDSM club. Naturally, Diablo 4 players were quick to weigh in on the issue, but were left divided on the set’s content and price point.

Diablo 4’s ‘Beauty in Sin’ cosmetic set prompts rough response from fans

While some players remained cold to the idea of “sexy” cosmetics, others embraced the adult theming of the set or in some cases, even called for Diablo 4 to introduce nudity befitting of the game’s M rating.

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Another criticism that arose is around the perceived disparity of sex appeal between the female and male variations of the set. “I just don’t understand why they hesitate to go all the way in for males as they do in females,” one Reddit user complained. The core of the argument being that the despite the inclusion of a bare chest, their pants offer far more coverage than briefs or shorts.

However, a far more common reaction has been anger around the pricing of the set. Coming in at 2,800 Platinum (the equivalent of approximately $25), the cosmetics bundle is being deemed overpriced by fans. One player in the Diablo 4 subreddit wrote, “I’m actually offended by this. Not because of the outfit – women can wear whatever the hell they want to, all the power to them. I’m offended by the price of this bundle for effectively what is underwear and probably should have been the default outfit of most characters”.

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Though as one comment pointed out, given the outlandish cost of lingerie IRL, maybe Blizzard aren’t too off the mark with that one.

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