Diablo 4 players frustrated as it’s missing one big social feature

A screenshot from Diablo 4 trailerBlizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4 is a massive game and playing with others is an experience that nobody wants to miss. Unfortunately, players seem to be unhappy as it is missing a big social feature that is dampening the experience.

Diablo 4 has the option to invite friends to your party or even create a clan. However, in both those cases you need to know the people in the first place to start off your journey.

Unfortunately, if you are a solo player in this game and you simply want to bond with someone while traveling across the Sanctuary, that is something that is hard to come by. This has resulted in frustration among the players.

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They feel that finding someone unknown and joining them on the go should be naturally integrated into the system.

Diablo 4 players feel that the game should have a party finder

The debate regarding the lack of social features and a party finder, in particular, in Diablo 4 was raised by a user named storage-god who claimed that the game needs to have a party finder or some form of matchmaking option. This post was well received as at the time of writing it has 3.3k likes and 1.4k comments.

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The post-owner seems to be claiming that they are level 85 already which means they have reached the end-game. However, even now they are yet to find someone to play with since nobody ever types in the chat which makes the game feel empty.

Hence, the player feels that a group finder or a party finder will be well-worth. This post received overwhelming support as one player claimed that “D4 feels terrible compared to The Division series when it comes to social stuff” while discussing the problem.

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Another player mentioned that “I can’t comprehend how D2 had more of a social aspect 20 years ago” where they feel that Diablo 2 was way more lively than Diablo 4. One such player took it a step further claiming that “From the company that has ran Wow for 20 years, there is literally no excuse to the approach they have taken with this”.

There was also another Reddit thread similar to this by a user named Thac0 who feels that the game is very lonely. In that thread, a player mentioned that “Yeah this obviously needs a quick matchmake button” which reflects similar ideas as the other thread.

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