Diablo 4 players discover Blizzard can’t do “simple math” in Season 2 trailer

Diablo 4 players discover Blizzard can't do "simple math" as Season 2 trailer gets deletedBlizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4’s Season 2 trailer has been pulled from the official Diablo Twitter page after fans discovered Blizzard blundered nearly every portion of the video.

Just as quickly as Diablo 4 launched and reached the top of the charts, Blizzard’s long-anticipated title fell hard. Players wanted more content, and the first season fell very short of all fan expectations as it felt like “filler content.

Season 2 is almost here, and fans are hopeful this could be the turnaround the title needed. Plenty of changes have been discussed, with new story content raising fan excitement.

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Ahead of its upcoming launch, Blizzard released a new trailer to highlight the quality of life changes Season of Blood will implement. However, the trailer was yanked down in seconds, as Blizzard it was full of insane blunders.

Diablo 4 S2 trailer becomes Season of Blunders

Season of Blood launches October 17, and, aside from the previously mentioned story content, the quality of life changes are noticeable.

The new trailer highlighted a few changes coming: dungeon reworks, Seasonal Blessing changes, and mounted buffs are a few of the highlights.

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It seemed good until one Diablo 4 player noticed that the way these changes were presented didn’t make sense. In a short 4-minute video, Raxxanterax pointed out every single flaw betwixt fits of pure laughter.

The video started with the dungeon reworks, which will see some layouts changed. In a side-by-side comparison, Blizzard mixed up the layouts, which caused quite a headache.

Up next, player mounts will see buffs to their speed. In another comparison segment, Blizzard showed off the changes, until Raxxanterax called out it was impossible to notice the difference since the footage didn’t paint a readable comparison.

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Finally, Blizzard provided a mathematical breakdown of how Seasonal Blessings affected player progression. For Season 2, it has been reworked, but the math shown was so wildly incorrect and left it up in the air how much it numbers will change.

“Blizzard, I’m trying to build hype for your new season, but you’re making it hard.” Raxxanterax said in between laughs. Raxxanterax ended the video with an offer to fix the slides ahead of BlizzCon.

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While Season 2 is looks promising, this hype trailer certainly didn’t do it any favors. Considering this trailer has since been deleted, hopefully Blizzard has a more accurate explainer in the works.