Diablo 4 players claim Unique items are mising “basic” feature

Diablo 4 Season 3 AntagonistBlizzard Entertainment

The Diablo 4 player base isn’t happy with how Unique items work in the game and claim they are missing a pretty obvious feature.

Diablo 4 is all about loot; collecting loot, selling loot, trading loot, and using loot to improve your character and build to slay more demons.

However, the game has certainly met its fair share of criticism when it comes to its loot systems, including the Unique items.

These are designed to feel special when obtained, something that the players feel is lacking due to these items missing a pretty core feature.

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Diablo 4 fans believe Unique items are missing core feature

diablo 4 lunar awakeningBlizzard Entertainment

The criticism is found on the Diablo 4 subreddit, in a post that lays it all out: “Unique items should have a unique look.”

The player explains that they feel frustrated with the fact that Unique items don’t look any different to the normal skins.

Largely, the community agrees with this point, and they’re not holding back in how they think it represents the game as a whole.

“Nah, you are right, they dropped the ball in almost all places, and it’s our job to tell them as much.”

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One user was a little more biting in their comment, saying: “Relax, that’s how it is with early access games, especially when they’re F2P with just a few cosmetic MTX. I’m sure they will have unique graphics in the 1.0 release.”

While many are shaking their head about this situation, there are some that are more reassuring about this changing in the future.

“One of the Fireside chats they agreed this should be the case and it’s coming at some point.”

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The issue with this statement is that there has been no timeline given on when that feature could be brought to Diablo 4.

Many players point to games like World of Warcraft and Path of Exile as examples of how the Unique items should work, giving a special appearance to the player that they can show off to others.

It’s something that the community clearly sees as lacking, and something they feel is just another issue that the devs have to figure out.

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