Diablo 4 players cheat Gauntlet game mode with new exploit that gives head starts

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Diablo 4 players have been cheating the new Gauntlet game mode with an exploit that gives players a huge head start before they even begin.

Diablo 4 has just released a heap of new content for its third season. With the season before being a high point for the ARPG, Season of the Construct has been considered a far more controversial experience for players. This includes the newest Gauntlet dungeons, which are highly competitive experiences to have players immortalized on a leaderboard.

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The Gauntlet is a fixed layout non-linear dungeon that players can compete in to earn the highest score. These scores are then immortalized on a leaderboard, cementing them in the hall of some of the best Diablo 4 players.

The mode hasn’t been without controversy, however, with a mixed reception and a delayed launch, it’s been a precarious launch, to say the least. Now it seems a new exploit is plaguing the competitive integrity of the mode, giving players a massive score headstart before they even begin.

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Diablo 4 players break the Gauntlet with new head start exploit

Players have discovered that you can actually enter the Gauntlet without starting it. While you don’t get scores you’re able to still kill the key bearers for their keys and pull all monsters. Then you can drag them all back to the start, open up the door, and begin the dungeon, shaving off precious time during your run.

Diablo 4 content creator Rob2628 showcased the bug while live, explaining the strategy.

Players were not too happy to see the competitive mode have serious bugs with it, particularly highlighting the delay in not ironing out the bugs beforehand.

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“Good thing it got delayed to iron out the bugs,” some sarcastically argued.

With Diablo 4 being a live service title, it’s likely bugs and exploits like this will be patched out, but for a mode like the Gauntlet, the damage may have already been done.

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