Diablo 4 players call for fan-favorite class from old games to be added next

different diablo 4 classesBlizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4 has various classes for players to choose from, but users have already outed two key candidates they believe could take the game to the next level.

The Barbarian is the physically dominant and aggressive class, the Druid is a nice hybrid utilizing both magical and summoning elements, the Necromancer is renowned for the ability to bring the dead, whereas Rogues are agile, and Sorcerers simply love spells.

These five impressive classes give Diablo 4 players a ton of choice. There’s real flexibility in how you can approach the game’s combat and mold your playstyle. Although the title hasn’t been out all that long, Diablo 4 players have identified new classes that could be added to the game.

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diablo 4 male and female classBlizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4 players demand return of classic roles

If you’re new to the Diablo franchise, then you might only be familiar with the aforementioned classes. However, if we take a journey through the history of Diablo, the class pool widens.

The Paladin and Crusader have previously been playable classes in Diablo. The Paladin is a heroic Knight with magical powers and has exclusively been seen in Diablo II. On the other hand, the Crusader was first seen in Diablo 3’s Reaper of Souls expansion and focuses on holy magic and steadfast armor to remain resolute and powerful.

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Diablo 4 players feel the time is right to bring back one, if not two, of these classes in Blizzard’s newest RPG looter.

“We definitely need some light powers in this hell-ish world!” Reddit user Chastiell said in a Diablo 4 subreddit post.

While it would be great for fans to have an extra headache to choose from, commenters believe that their exclusion is down to moneymaking purposes.

“Yeah, I definitely think leaving out a Paladin or Crusader was a letdown. It’s without question being saved for an expansion or some other “pay us more” feature though,” said one player, and another added: “I honestly think the base roster is sorta small. Might be an unpopular opinion since last time was downvoted, but I think we should have a larger option than Diablo 3. I know gotta have DLCs, but I think a newer class would have been nice. Not that Crusader is new either but yeah.”

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It has already been confirmed that Diablo 4 DLC is on the way. So there’s a strong possibility that a Paladin, Crusader, or both, will make an appearance down the line.