Diablo 4 players slam endgame Necromancer builds for missing the point of the class

diablo 4 necromancer endgameBlizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4 players have blasted developers because endgame Necromancer builds seem to misunderstand the point of the class.

The Necromancer class has undergone several changes since Diablo 4 launched in June 2023. Early on, the class was widely considered overpowered, much like the Sorcerer/Sorceress.

Of course, Blizzard deployed nerfs to better balance the game in this regard. But sometimes, those changes resulted in further issues that then necessitated additional fixes.

While things continue to improve, it appears the Necromancer still needs fine-tuning. Players are especially calling attention to the Necromancer builds in D4’s endgame and Abattoir of Zir experiences.

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Diablo 4 fans call out Necromancer’s troublesome endgame builds

In a Reddit post, user PolkSDA outlined their issues with playing as a Necromancer for D4’s endgame content. The player specifically takes umbrage with the “only viable endgame/AoZ builds” being those that sacrifice minions.

They added, “Doesn’t that defeat the entire point of the class if there are no meaningful minion-based builds at all?” The absence of “pure minion” builds isn’t the main issue, either. According to PolkSDA, builds such as bone + minions, blood + minions, and shadow + minions aren’t currently possible in the endgame.

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The player finished their post by arguing that minion buffs and an overhaul of how they interact with the blood, bone, and shadow skills would be a step in the right direction.

diablo 4 necromancer endgameBlizzard Entertainment
Necromancer is tied with Sorcerer as the most popular D4 class.

Replies to the Reddit thread suggest many agree that Diablo 4’s Necromancer endgame demands several tweaks. One response reads in part, “I agree. Minions really suck this time around. Lots of buff[s] needed for Necro and Druid minions…”

Someone else argued that Necro builds are especially a problem because Diablo 4 is “all about clearing speed.” As things currently stand, the Necromancer’s minions feel slow compared to other builds, which “can run through the game with much more ease and speed.”

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Considering the long road of support ahead for Diablo 4, the Necromancer class may improve for the better as time trails on.