Diablo 4 devs promise to address inferior Resistances in Season 2

diablo 4 DeadBlizzard Entertainment

In response to criticism about the inferior Resistances for higher World Tiers, Diablo 4 devs have promised to make the necessary adjustments in Season 2.

Talk of the new Diablo title’s subpar Resistances gained traction over a week ago courtesy of a video from YouTuber Kripparrian. In the video, the content creator argued that Resistances constitute the game’s biggest mechanical shortcoming.

Generally speaking, players should have no problem resisting effects like cold and fire on lower tiers. Things start to take a turn in more difficult World Tiers, however.

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As the YouTuber pointed out, players have found that non-physical resistances seem weak, even when users significantly buff resistance rolls on items.

This especially holds true when comparing elemental resistances to other types of damage reduction stats. And such a problem only rears its head once players enter World Tier 3 and up.

Blizzard to address subpar Resistances in Diablo 4 Season 2

Fortunately, the crew at Blizzard has been listening to the feedback and aims to issue a fix down the road. The studio acknowledged as much in a recent Campfire Chat (via Wowhead), telling fans that they intend to make Resistances feel more pronounced.

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Players shouldn’t expect any immediate changes, though. The team is working to address the matter now, with a fix for higher World Tier Resistances expected to roll out for Diablo 4’s second season.

What exactly those adjustments will entail is not currently known, as the developers shared no concrete details.

diablo 4 resistancesBlizzard Entertainment

Blizzard previously confirmed Diablo 4 Season 1 wouldn’t kick off until sometime in mid-July or a little later. As such, the wait for Season 2’s arrival, and the Resistance-based fixes, could last for a few more months.

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The content that players should gear up for in Season 1 and 2 similarly remains under lock and key for the time being.