Diablo 4 players don’t know what to do with the gems they’re hoarding

Diablo 4 gemsBlizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4 players are wondering what to do with the overabundance of gems they’ve been hoarding in the game’s stash.

Gems have long been a Diablo staple, serving as another way for players to customize and buff various gear items.

Diablo 4 separates them into colors, such as green Emeralds or blue Sapphires. And with a bit of in-game coin, users can socket and unsocket gems when visiting Jewelers. The process most notably comes in handy for buffing resistances or adding damage reduction stats.

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Over the course of the game, upgraded or higher-tier gems further amplify the customization possibilities. The problem is that gems constantly drop from random enemies and loot chests. For some reason, there are players who feel the need to pick up and hoard them all.

Gem hoarders in Diablo 4 don’t know what to do with their loot

“Could someone please explain wtf I’m supposed to do with all of these?” a Redditor asked the Diablo community while sharing a screenshot of their gem-filled stash box.

The screenshot shows the player has two full rows in their stash packed with well over 100 gems of varying kinds. Evidently, they’ve run out of gear to socket them into.

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As expected, the user’s fellow Redditors were quick to point out that leaving gems behind is perfectly fine. “Put them back on the floor where you found them,” one person responded – their reply has more upvotes than the original post, as of writing.

Someone else added, “Why are people picking up gems and then asking for a gem bag? You only need a few per character, they’re worthless and ridiculously abundant.”

Hoarding gems in Diablo 4 is evidently frowned upon, especially given the limited inventory space. But some Redditors think holding on to gems is worth the extra effort, just in case new levels or Aspect changes are introduced in future expansions.

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As things presently stand, reserving stash space for gems seems a gamble that players must either take or ignore.