Diablo 4 players delighted by huge dungeon changes

diablo 4 dungeonsBlizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4 players applaud the “huge improvement” to dungeons following the 1.2.0 update and Season 2 launch.

Since day one, even the staunchest of Diablo 4 fans have made their dungeon-related frustrations known. Dungeon layouts felt too redundant for many players, for example. That the objectives were tedious never escaped mention, either.

As such, the community rejoiced when Blizzard unleashed patch notes for Update 1.2.0 earlier this month, which teased several changes to the dungeon system.

The patch promised improvements to the teleporting system in Nightmare Dungeons, as well as refinements for the Death Pulse modifier. Developers also insisted the new update would tackle complaints about the lack of visual variety in dungeons. Days after the update’s release, it seems Blizzard managed to follow through and then some.

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Diablo 4 players call changed dungeons a “huge improvement”

Despite a tumultuous rollout, the latest Diablo 4 update has the community feeling more positive about the future. This is reflected on the Diablo subreddit, home to one post wherein someone sang Blizzard’s praises for improving the dungeons.

Speaking about the improved dungeon layouts, Redditor nervous4us wrote: “[The developers removed] a lot of backtracking and have significantly reduced dungeon time. The codex is way easier to fill up.

“The dungeons where you can head straight to the boss, but can still head off to the sides to still kill things in new scenarios are great. Lots of good stuff this season, and making the dungeons less of a slog is going to feel so nice, especially in [the] endgame.”

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diablo 4 dungeonsBlizzard Entertainment

Based on responses in the thread, other players tend to agree that 1.2.0 constitutes a massive step up for Diablo 4’s dungeons. As one person put it, “layouts are massively improved, density is at a good place.” This same user said non-Nightmare dungeons still need work but, generally speaking, this aspect of the experience is more enjoyable.

Several other comments can’t see past the lingering flaws, though. According to another Redditor, “most of the demon infested ‘kill 3x to open a door’ dungeons are still a chore to run through.”

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“It’s marginally better but still jam-packed full of anti-fun [mechanics and objectives],” stated someone else. A developer’s note attached to the 1.2.0 patch notes insisted the studio will continue to listen to feedback post-release. With this in mind, it should be interesting to see how dungeons evolve as time presses on.