Diablo 4 devs confirm horse buffs will deal with bothersome barricades

A screenshot of players riding on mounts in Diablo 4Blizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4 devs forgot to mention a crucial buff in the recent Fireside Chat but it’s one that’s sure to resolve a massive issue players have had with the game of late.

Diablo 4’s front-facing development team recently held a widely praised Fireside Chat outlining the future with Patch 1.1.1. A massive amount of improvements including heavily requested buffs to the Sorcerer and Barbarian classes are on the way.

In all the excitement, the team forgot to address a massive change to how players could deal with the frustrating enemy barricades plaguing Sanctuary’s open world. They’ve caused no end of issues for the Diablo 4’s playerbase whether acting as intended or if they’re bugging out.

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Game Designer for Diablo 4 Joe Shely apologized to fans for leaving it out and announced on Twitter that a change to mounts would finally solve the barricade issue.

Barricades are commonly utilized by skeletal and bandit enemy types in Diablo 4 and will consistently slow players down. A particularly egregious one is a guaranteed spawn en route to the legion event in Scosglen’s north.

A new fix coming in Patch 1.1.1 will allow players to use their mount’s charge attack to instantly break through them and continue traveling. This gives the attack even more utility as it was primarily used as a speed boost and nothing more.

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If the faster travel speed enabled by your trusty steed wasn’t reason enough to acquire it speedily, this new buff makes it all the more important.

The move has received a ton of praise in the comments of Shely’s thread. Even Asmongold who recently quit Diablo 4 gave his feedback calling it a “great idea”.

Diablo 4 Gore Soaked Barricade BugBlizzard Entertainment
The famously bugged Gore-Soaked Barricade even stopped players from accessing a quest.

Patch 1.1.1 drops on August 8 and we’ll be sure to keep readers updated on all the changes as they’re revealed.

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Now that Diablo 4 mounts are getting this handy boost, you might be wondering how to acquire one. We’ve got a guide that lets you know exactly how to get one in the game.