Diablo 4 players amazed with new open-source damage & defense calculator

diablo 4 damage calculatorBlizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4 players are praising an open-source damage and defense calculator created by another Diablo fan.

Fan-made spreadsheets and calculators have become the norm in ARPG circles. For example, the Path of Exile community has many options, from DPS calculators and skill tree tools to XP calculators and game planners.

Similar resources have gone live for Diablo 4 since its release in June 2023. Not long after launch, one player solved Diablo 4’s armor formula and built a calculator based on their findings.

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Inventive community members are still finding ways to elevate the experience in this way, too. The latest of such builds comes from someone who put together a damage and defense calculator.

Diablo 4 fan builds a calculator for damage and defense

Reddit user and game developer flowqwi started a side project to better “understand how some players could reach millions of damage with their builds.”

Their recreational tinkering eventually ballooned into open-source tools that will let other Diablo 4 users calculate armor and total damage per hit.

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The Redditor explained that the defense calculator specifically uses the “damage-bucket concept and allows dynamic creation of additive and multiplicative modifiers to calculate total damage per hit.”

Meanwhile, the armor part of the equation calculates “‘effective life’ against specific attacks, taking all modifiers into account like armor, resistance, damage reduction, %life, and flat life.” Diablo 4 players can access these tools via GitHub.

Diablo 4 fans are already applauding the poster’s efforts with the damage and armor calculator. Reads one reply, “I’ll always upvote open source stuff. Good job!”

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Others think the information the calculator provides should be available in-game already. One commenter who sang the Redditor’s praises wrote, “Would be nice if they could just make this more obvious in the game, instead of having the need for 3rd party software.”

A similar comment reads, “It’s kind blowing these non-paid workers doing passion projects can net more results than billion dollar companies that can pay for the most competitive eager workers. Keep it up, dude.”

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These types of side projects will likely continue to grow in popularity as Diablo 4’s content offerings continue to expand with new seasons and DLC releases.